Sunday, March 8, 2009

Jalan2 sajaaaaa...

Spending so much time on work and classes, I always try to make time for my boys and ensure they will not be "sakai" in any way when they grow up and of course, to always make them know no matter how busy mummy and daddy are we always make time for you. Hei, small things like bringing them out on Sundays on any days when you're free, teaches them about their surroundings. I know. Especialy when the boys get all excited about something new they see! *Sigh...Rawan Hati!*
Today we had dimsum at soon lee resturant for breakfast then off to Tutong town. Batah sudah inda ke sana nya mummy. Layan lah. Hubby was away at perth but he will be back today. As for my sis Pam, we just let her have her beuaty sleep so dont be surprised that she isnt in the pics. ( I did make her dry my laundry later in the morning)

moi, taking the opportunity with the breeze..

The boys... both having donuts. their favourite in which I dulur saja ... "sometimes"

The boys spotted something..

and Aiman waste no time to take a closer look at what he sees..

What happened to the pigeons Aiman?
Aimans points to the sky. heheheh :o)

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