Sunday, March 8, 2009

A day at OGDC.

Me one day after reading the papers tarus msged c Shikin -"Dang! promotion fares at OGDC ah! Murah!"
Shikin -" bah lets go!"
Me- " Ada face painting and stuff! Lets bring the kids!"
Shikin - "Ok!"
And so we arranged the time to go and visit the booths with hopes of getting cheap tickets for our planned trip in June... Note on the words "HOPE" and "KIDS". We arrived at 5pm to our location and the kids got all excited seeing the fishies along the way. There were stalls selling old stuff for charity in which I didnt contribute . Dont get me wrong, I'm not karit but pasal we were busy looking after our kids! So pics starts with face painting ya? Its Aiman's and Daniel's ( Shikin's son) first time but Daniel didnt want one coz he was excited with the stairs that was nearby. I bet Daniel would looked cute though :o)

Aiman getting his first painting. A lady asked "what would you like boy?" having seen fishies earlier, he kept saying fish. The lady said" You would like a fish? " and the boy nods and said yes proudly! ( God knows if he actually understood!)

Posing for me as he hand his hand done ...

This is actually where they ran out of the building to get closer to the fountain and when the mummies said " Ok, its obvious that we're not going to the booths nie." The kids got all excited seeing the water fountain and mind you, they were cheeky enough to try and sneak into the water! hahaha

Daniel and Aiman.

Sun shining in his face.
Gesturing the word "Fish"

We then proceeded to our early very late lunch + dinner at Ideal's. Here's Daniel enjoying his meal. hehehe cute bib nya.. Meooooooow..

Aiman pointing to a nearby fish!
The mummies came to a conclusion should we need to go out to get something done, we definitely cant bring the boys... not now lah :o)
But I'm glad everyone had fun .Thats what matters.

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