Sunday, September 21, 2008

Will be busy at work!

Yup.. Thats right.. I'll be reporting back to work tomorrow. Boring!!! Kan continue cuti kuuuu! Siok sudah berjalan time sales ani... hehehe.. So do not be surprised that i wont be blogging for a quite a while ya?..
But just to share you updates so far..
1. Went on shopping spree with the family. Two cars! We dont have a family car just yet but its high on our list in the next few years, Insyallah. And the baby went shopping with us too! Good fun!
2. Havent got my self any new shoes just yet and any working pants that would fit my big bum! Urgghhh!
3. Wadin has emailed me the pics as promised ( thanks Wadin! ) And i will posting them up soon.
4. I managed to photograph Arman smiling! Weeeheee!!!
5. Shikin has just texted. She's suggesting for us girlfirends to go out for sungkai before the puasa ends. Just like good old times. :o)
Thats about it for now. Will try to update you the nasty surprises the office has saved up for me! Here we go!


Effy said...

two months kah saja cuti mu. i thought 3 months. vuing!

HotMaMa said...

tell me about it!..buringan kuuuuuuuu