Sunday, September 7, 2008

Being a mama...

I was watching Jon & Kate + 8 on Discovery Family & Health channel just a few minutes ago and today’s episode was on how the couple went on a shopping date which was long overdue ever since the birth of their sextuplets. They had a nanny over to watch over the kids while the couple went out to shop for clothes.

Being interviewed Kate answered:

We could never find the time to be alone together at home, let alone shopping. And when I do go shopping, I had always swayed the money to buying things for the kids instead. I hadn’t the time to buy things for my self again. And so, it was high time so Jon took me out for a shopping spree which was an advanced Christmas present to each other. And boy, did we enjoyed it! The stress was gone and it was nice having time to yourself and not think about the kids.”

Imagine that, I have 2 kids and I feel its already impossible to go out shopping for myself when I’m constantly thinking about the kids. So I definitely feel what Kate is going through. Every time I go out and finally pick something that I would like to buy, this guilty conscience will pop in my head.

Like for example:

A pair of Charles & Keith shoes = A tin of Enfalac powder milk
Makeup = 2 sets Night & day diapers for both Aiman and Arman.
Guess Handbag = A month supply of both diapers and powder milk for the kids
Spa, Saloon, Facials = Mum’s allowance to help out with the kids.

See what I mean? This is not healthy.

I guess this constantly reminds me to get my HND (hopefully a degree in the future) and hopefully have a future where I can provide my family and MYSELF the best things of life. If not the best, then a secure future.

Having to watch that programme, I missed the times where I wouldn’t feel so guilty spending and buying things for myself. I missed the times where I could go out with hubby to the movies, travel to Singapore for our shopping spree etc etc.

Do I regret?
Are you kidding? Children are god’s gift. Each time I got pregnant, there was always something good that came along. And as noisy, chaotic, tiring they may be but they do light up the house.

So is there going to be another one?
Don’t even go there. If I can control it, two is enough for me. The 2nd labor experience was traumatic. Am not going there for a long time. But should I was given another child, I’d accept it with open arms. Provided I finish my studies, travel to the U.S, Europe, shopping sprees..bla bla bla.. By the way, prices are sky rocketing and they haven’t even started school. I am a firm believer that quality is better then quantity.

How about your hubby? He still wants more.
Don’t worry about that. I’d keep him “busy” away from that thought! It’s in our contract! Oh, me and the Itchy-Puhcey girls are planning to go on a holiday next year. Informed hubby about it so there should not be any last minute nasty surprises that will cost me my trip. Its decided that it will be a "Beach-Bum" holiday so no shopping. Maximum of 3 days (more then that, both me and shikin will be missing our kids like crazy) We're starting to look at Phuket, Bali, Langkawi, Kota kinabalu and oh... effy also suggested this as well... Island of Sodor. (hmmp! P***ma!) hahaha..



- Dang Salat - said...

i just watched a short video of org branak n OMG! i could feel the PAIN just by watching it. where the mummy cried, then suddenly the baby's head popped out, pas tu the shoulder, then the mummy cried again (screaming loudly and in pain) then nda ku sanggup meliat lagi, bekirik ku lehnya.

n now this. uwaaaaaaa! u scared me honey!!!! *sobsob*

HotMaMa said...

hahahahah.. releks2! but the video didnt show how much the mummy was drown with love when she saw the baby didt it?!?! Aiya.. every pregnancy is different for every woman. heck, who knows with you the baby just slides out! keep the mind open hunei!!! And as for the shopping part, thats why when you want to get married, marry the man who you know be there for you every step of the way. My hubby caring for me unconditionally is what that keeps me sane in this marriage. As for the shopping, well i cant say anything optimistic about it yet because itsf for real hunei. By the way. thats y i dont watch those video on plp giving birth. Aku tunggu for the d-day and get it done! wehehhe Dont be scared dear! Anugerah Allah tu! :o)