Sunday, September 14, 2008

another nite at the studio...

Here we go..

Another night at the studio again.. Its been quite a while since I've followed hubby to practise. Got mum to help out with the kids while I go and have a mini "me and hubby" time. I could use the free time do my assignment without having Aiman climbing all over me at the computer table!

Here we are at the studio.. Can anyone spot my table?

here's a closer look...

Hubby doing his thing .. By the way, he just noticed that the guitar has began to show a few of visible "chips" on its body.. Sayang..sayang...

smile for me baby.... :o)

the male vocalist... that tattoo is a stick on. the guys were joking around trying to look all tough.. Stick to singing sajalah.. hahaha

another view of me doing research...

Ciggies gives inspiration.. kaaaaaaannnnnn Azizul Budak Nakal? hehehe

and knowing me, I never fail to make a statement whenever i can..even with my pensilcase..



Effy said...

bari gale' wai.. kawan mu yang pakai cap.

HotMaMa said...

hahahaha andangnya tu.. hahahaha

- Dang Salat - said...

woahaha! i loikee ur pencil case!!! byotch bnr ehh.. LOL =p

HotMaMa said...

heheheh thanks ()() <-- kira kambang hidung tah tu