Friday, June 6, 2008



Syang mo makan mana? Just say it and I shall fulfill your tummy!"

Hehehehe ada saja my hubby ani.. Such a thoughtful man. I told him once during this 2nd pregnancy that I would love to go to KK again just to eat all their good food as how we did it when I was pregnant with Aiman.

Alhamdullilah, we did go to Seafood centre and ate like worth of $200++ of seafood… Nyaman guyyyyysssssssss…. Sorry.. no pics pasal we didn’t had time to take the camera and we only remembered that we should have taken pictures after dinner! Hehehehe opppsss!


I did however took pictures of this new place hubby took me to this Chinese restaurant where they sserved this amazing roasted duck.
The new restaurant to try!

Giving me his horny look.. hehehhe

me giving back my seductive look.. aiseeeh... (padahal panas kali ah)

My order of the day - Chicken Rice. They had tons of other things on their menu but I'll stay safe lah for now..

Oh.. this was lovely to have on such a humid day. Its called the Cucumber Juice with Sour Plum. I know it sounds strange but my goodness, was it reshreshing ever! This was recommended by our Sabah-ians frens!.

Getting ready to indulge...

Hubby's order... The Roasted Duck Rice.. ( sometimes I think he's more Chinese then I am or will ever be! )


Cant wait for the next trip again...Thanks a bunch Syang! I really appreciate this.. Love you soo much! Muaaaahz muaaaahzzz



27 said...

Dum dee Dum..I wanna be second wife.. Can?? Can Lohhh hehehe good thing you didnt take any pics of the seafood you ate.. if not i Die lah..I want to eat now and Im craving and Im not even pregnant hahha how come u eat til $200??

HotMaMa said...

hahahaha you wish hunei! hahaha (pukima) hahaha o goood...nyaman dang but mind you the price of seafood dah naik.. Maybe its bcoz the fuel for the fishing boat is mahal, electril lagi, water bla..bla..bla ..kekekeke