Saturday, December 20, 2008

Breakfast at DKM's

Breakfast time!

I love eating their DimSum [ but please, I still prefer the real dimsum at Emperor's Court or Dynasty Restaurant of course! ]
Aiman unfortunately couldnt join us that week. He accompanied his "popoh" in bandar for a night that weekend. Hubby couldnt go up to bandar as his band had a gig to play for at Sutera Biru Plaza.

As you can clearly see.. Arman's warm bottle of Gripe Water awaits.. lol

then suddenly he sleeps...


I couldnt resist taking a pic of myself as well..hehehe


- Dang Salat - said...

hahaha. suka ku liat expression nya innocent...kalo hanya mereka sebenernya tahuuu..hahaha! gaukk nie urgnya..hehehe =p

HotMaMa said...

inda lagi babeeeeeeeeee .. you betchaa! Paning ku!!!! Bila balik opis?!?!?

- Dang Salat - said...

hahahahaha...banci kuehh..opis sja dsabutnya! nyahahaha! im waiting for u to post the pix from Tini's wedding this morning.YAY! =)

kebanjiran yoo..basah maseh clutch ku gas ia berenang2 d tepian rumah c tini aka LUNKANG!! LOL!