Monday, March 3, 2008

We've kissed and made up...


Sometimes, i can really go over the borderline with petty things. As you all know, from my last post, I had seemed pretty upset with how my last weekend went. Hubby and I had a big arguement yesterday on the subject and i tortured him by making him drive me to bandar for my class last night. And thank god I did just that!

It was raining so heavily plus i had the biggest headache in history! I imagined that i wouldnt be able to make it to Bandar if i was alone yesterday! We reached the college at 5pm , i was still upset and refused to eat ( menyamal konon...) , I got out from the car and just told him to pick me up at 7.30 without salam-ing ( padahal the classes was suppposed to finish at 9.15).

As I packed my notes after the 1st class, the rain then started to pour heavily just when i wanted to leave!
Sekaliiiiiiiiiiii kaaaaaaannnn......
I saw hubby waiting for me at the college hall with an umbrella.. ( Terus i want to menangis!! )

Silently, we hold each other tight as he walked with me through the rain, holding an umbrella above me and got in the car.

" Makan?" in his marah voice...

" Uh-huh" maluuuu ku sudah yoooo...
"Makan mana?" his voive toned down sikit..

" Mana saja lah " me said as he rubbed my tummy ...

long silence..

" me sorry sayaaaaang.....*sniff*sniff*" i said with tears in my eyes ( tapi control dang...jangan labih2)

" Me too".... *smooch*smooch*

We had a lovely dinner, a very dangerous ride back home to kb as it was raining heavily as well. thank god hubby was there for me..

and then we reached home, showered and made #$%^& love! huahahhahahahaha

I love my sayang vewyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy much & i know he loves me just the same ...



Lady Knife said...

It's good to read that you guys sudah made up. Payah jua if you have a good looking hubby. But what to do? Bini pun lawa jua kalia, mesti maintain standards yo! rofl!

HotMaMa said...

hahahhaa yalor... sedih me brabis that week... urghhhh.. no one dare came near me!!!