Sunday, January 25, 2009

Smoking makes your teeth go bad but not your problem if you still cute.

One day, Aziz went up to me smiling at me like this. Only when I noticed, sakit parut ku ketawa.. lol!

Can you see it?

Here's another pose. I'm sure you cant miss "that". hahahaha

Adui malaiku... maintain masih anak ani..

Aziz when asked to do "muka cute"..hahahaha

This is where he got his bright idea from.

then cut it out...

readykan mouth like so...

There you go... ejap ku!!!! hahaha (berbau lagi usulnya tu!) hahahahahaha
p/s - Thanks for allowing me to blog your pics jis! Love ya!



- Dang Salat - said...

hahahahah! terokkk ehhh.LOL! =p~

HotMaMa said...

hahahah inda lagi!!! hahaha