This only goes to show how much you definitely need to do as parents. We always watch out for our children especially with what they play with, eat, drink , expose to that at times you tend to forget other things like, cleaning their ears, scrubbing underneath nails, etc etc.. Right after a quich check at Aiman's ears, me and the hubby got right down to it!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
Its 12.52 a.m. in the morning...
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Swimming with the boys.
I thought of spending time with the family before the long weekend (thinking that I was going to be busy with finishing doing my work plan, assignments etc etc etc) ada jualah - I got some done. Better then nothing mah.. hehehehe Btw, we ever brought Aiman swimming before but he was screaming non-stop as soon as he was in the water! Parents Panic Attack! We basically packed an leave after only 10 minutes in the pool. Berbismihllah saja bah laki bini before we started! Thank God this one was a success!
But Arman however, wasnt too sure of swimming in the pool.. cian my baby...

Dang Salat's Pressie for me :o)
Tekejut beruk I when I saw this on my table! Thanks HAJAH! Dang Salat is so sweeeeeet :o)
A wild musical week!
Two weeks ago, my hubby's band had been called on to play for two private functions in Miri. One as you can see below in the first pic which took place in a very newly build Hotel and County Golf Club and the other was for a cooporation union which took place in Imperial Mall Hotel.
Hubby was in time to reach Kb right after his Perth flight and me after work. We thought it was going to be one of those so-so nights. Little did we know, we were in for a wild wild weekend!
I know I skipped abit, but I had to show you our hotel room first. Now, at every function we were asked to play for, we are always given two rooms to stay in. Its only natural that hubby and myself would ask for our own room. I can tell you that we were so surprised to see this!
I think you can tell there is more then 2 beds in the pic.
The wardrobe..
To cater for at least 4 people... Why 4 you ask? Thats because the room had 4 beds! Just so that our rooms were next to each other, we had booked a room which catered to 4 people! There was only me and hubby! Nasib baik inda terlampau expensive bah. Mun inda, melayang2 usin!
Here's the hallway. NOte that the place is new. The sort of "chalet" we stayed it had only us and see how silently creepy this is! I had plans to study in the room. I changed my mind tarus!
*kambang bulu*
Now, forget that and lets go to the party. Here's Dadil (left) and Duan (right) our bassist and guitarist. They are sooooooooo funny. They never fail to crack the group up. Paloi banar.
Hubby and the drummer, Bang Ajis.
Bang Ajis and the new singer. She's Indonesian and get this, she was a back up vocalist for Krisdayanti!
The good meal which was provided..*burp* even the band had access to the emblem's lucky draws and prizes! Duan won $50 worth of cash vouchers to Coffeebean! Lucky guy!
Hubby was in time to reach Kb right after his Perth flight and me after work. We thought it was going to be one of those so-so nights. Little did we know, we were in for a wild wild weekend!
I think you can tell there is more then 2 beds in the pic.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Long over due!
Heheheh awuu..sorry ya kawan2. Baru ada time kan update! Even my mobile phone memory card was suffering from all the pictures I have been taking over the past few weeks. How's everyone? Siok siok so far.. Min have been pretty intersting.. Ngalih brabis saja..
I dont really like to skip most of my stories especially bila ku sudah ambil bynk gambar so we'll have to go through the "outdated" pics properly lah ah? hehehehe..
Anywasy, lets start with my CHAP GOH MEH dinner. As usal, we celebrated with a small dinner but this time it was my mum's aprtment in beribi! :o) Enjoy!
I dont really like to skip most of my stories especially bila ku sudah ambil bynk gambar so we'll have to go through the "outdated" pics properly lah ah? hehehehe..
Anywasy, lets start with my CHAP GOH MEH dinner. As usal, we celebrated with a small dinner but this time it was my mum's aprtment in beribi! :o) Enjoy!
Monday, February 16, 2009
hahaha.. my cuzzie...Buleh?!?! Tunggu.. insyallah this weekend!. I've got tons of pics to update you guys!
Amin, Amal-Sharifizah [1:25 PM]:
i wanna read Luin, Patricia[1:45 PM]: hahahaha bah eh baru abis meeting Luin, Patricia [1:45 PM]: update apa? Amin, Amal-Sharifizah [1:45 PM]: blog lah hahaha Luin, Patricia [1:46 PM]: awuuu soooooon.. aku test nie this thurs, yatah im using all my free time to study Amin, Amal-Sharifizah [1:46 PM]: hahaha ok Just wait yaaaaaaaa...hahahahha Bee-Outch!
Amin, Amal-Sharifizah [1:25 PM]:
i wanna read Luin, Patricia[1:45 PM]: hahahaha bah eh baru abis meeting Luin, Patricia [1:45 PM]: update apa? Amin, Amal-Sharifizah [1:45 PM]: blog lah hahaha Luin, Patricia [1:46 PM]: awuuu soooooon.. aku test nie this thurs, yatah im using all my free time to study Amin, Amal-Sharifizah [1:46 PM]: hahaha ok Just wait yaaaaaaaa...hahahahha Bee-Outch!
Monday, February 9, 2009
Monday, February 2, 2009
Sunday is our Family Day :o)
I'm sure you recall how it was raining the whole day in KB last Sunday. But nevertheless, the weather didn't stop us from going out and have a nice simple family time. Destination = Huahuo Tutong. We didn't we want to go all the way to Bandar and plus, its nice to jalan2 in Tutong for a change. You'd be surprised at the bargains you get at some of the nearby shops. After our brief shopping, dinner was Ambuyat at Aminah Ariff, Tutong. Lama sudah inda makan.. Taisliur jua..hehehe The boys as usual were all hyper and gauk but it was tolerable. Thanks to hubby who initiated it!
Who can Challenege me! The BEAVER CAN!
One day, at our team meeting.. I was admiring my oh-so-old-fashion-style-to-do-notebook. until something caught my eye.. I tengok lah...
Allah, siapa in their right mind call thier company macam ani...
There is a "B"... then...
Tapi actually, nothing wrong with it kan? Conpom my brian is very the Yellow! hahaha! My bad!
Banjir! Banjir!
Not kidding when we say our office in NIA is flooded.. Flooded tah banar tu! Pusing balik!
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