Saturday, February 28, 2009

Time to clean those ears..


This only goes to show how much you definitely need to do as parents. We always watch out for our children especially with what they play with, eat, drink , expose to that at times you tend to forget other things like, cleaning their ears, scrubbing underneath nails, etc etc.. Right after a quich check at Aiman's ears, me and the hubby got right down to it!

And so, we took our handy head light and start digging. This wasn't a pleasnt one. Karas and tabal bah his tahie telinga! Nasib baik he kept still as I think he kind of enjoyed it.

still digging...

and digging...

and digging..
I wont be showing you "what and how much" we've dugged out so far. Lets just say it was a lot lah... *puke*


27 said...

ewwwww...maybe its accumulating due to all the lecture you give him heheheh

diutaknya "maybe if i increase the amount of tae in my ears, it will block out all noise" hehehehe

HotMaMa said...

hahaha shut up!

27 said...

*LoLz* nah I can feel mine increasing oledi by you shouting shut up at me ~lalala~ hahaha

HotMaMa said...

hahahahaha whatever bitch...hahah