Wednesday, June 25, 2008

4 weeks to go.. says the doctor

Ugghhhhh.. my feet are swollen.. i feel so sleepy these days and the current heat waves is not helping either.

Thank god I had finished most of my handover. Now I can go into labour peacefully not thinking about work or urgent contracts to settle etc etc etc. Well, aside from a few ad-hoc stufflah.. So my kawan-kawan, do not be surprised if i havent been posting for quite a while. I need my rest.. need to get some energy before the big day comes.



Anonymous said...

Dont worry about work! Let them worry about it! Hehehe gooo rest n labur in peace daling..jgn tah ingau opis ah..hehe! All the best Patty! Muahsss!

HotMaMa said...

hahahahaha i like your tip.. awuu biar diroang kapisan eh.. sasak ku sudah.. I cant wait to finish of my HND and leave this &*^@#%# place man.. Thansk love! muuuaahz

Dai Mcky said...

have fun labouring darl...