At the beginning of this year, i had made plans to parteh till i drop with a bunch of girlfriends but with all those scary shit thats been happening around the world, i think it shall be safer to just parteh here in Brunei.
Anyways, our plans so far:-
1. On the 31st, we'll be sending hubby to work wee in the morning for his Singapore flight. And then when he comes back from work, he's off straight away to Empire hotel to get ready for the New Year's Bash. Note - He's playing in a band and they're playing for the countdown. Im ready to parteeeh!
2. Then come wife, son, mum in law, sis in law & maid who joins in for the fun & food. ( i hope that Aiman will stay sane throughout the whole night of filled fun. Get this. he's only a year and a month old and his dada has already gotten him a ticket to play at the kids corner. A package the hotel provides for todds when their parents want to get busy to jiggy.
3. Therefore we'll be staying at Traders Inn for 2 nights. Its cheap plus they having a amazing 24 hours internet access. So i will be busying downloading stuff throughout the whole stay!
4. 1st Jan - One of our friends is getting married so it off to a malay wedding in the morning and it doesnt finish here, at 2pm, we're off to a birthday party. Our friend's daughther is a year old and guess what the theme is.. Costume Party! Oh, and after that we'll be staying in bandar for another nite and flying off to Spore again for a final trip of shopping before getting back to work.
Hectic isnt it? And im only half way packing.
Oh, btw I have always wanted to make those DIY cards. I've totally forgotten to take the pictures of the whole card-making process but i did take a picture of the final product.
tadaaaaaaaa... *control hidung*
I have always enjoyed making stuff myself. This one i did on behalf of aiman.. I hope the bday chick digs her pressie. :o)
ok.. next blog shall be covering the new years eve party, the bday costume party ( definitely getting shots of aiman in his bumble bee costume) and whatever exciting events lah.
So have a very happy New Year all. Lets PArrrrrrTyyyyyyyyy!!!!